Maitai crack willow control and new planting

19/05/2022 3:15pm
Planting this week at Upper Groom Creek
Planting this week at Upper Groom Creek

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Project Mahitahi rangers will begin control of Crack Willow in the main Maitai River corridor, and Sharlands Creek in the next week.

The work will begin on public land in the upper Maitai catchment and will not affect trees on private land. However, if you have Crack Willow growing along the riverbank on your property let Council know and we can assess it for removal.


This type of willow has a number of negative impacts on biodiversity, including: 

  • Crack Willow are so named because they break or crack easily, and fragments collect inside bends of waterways where they resprout and cause obstructions to waterways. This increases sediment input from opposite banks, and can impact on roads and bridges through fallen debris or blockages. 
  • Crack Willow attracts mites, which are a desirable food source for wasps and this can increase their numbers during summer. 

The areas where willows are being removed will be replanted. More than 70,000 plants are due to be planted in these catchments this season. Last week, Project Mahitahi planted 3500 plants over four days, and so far this week they have planted another 4000!

If you have questions about this work, please contact