Nelson Airport runway extension

28/02/2025 3:15pm

Private Plan Change 30 (PPC30) and Nelson Airport’s runway extension are a step closer to being incorporated into the Nelson Resource Management Plan, with Council’s decision on 19 December 2024 to approve PPC 30, and to recommend to Nelson Airport Limited (NAL) that it confirms the Notice of Requirement (NoR).

The private plan change was requested by NAL and as lodged with Council, proposed to: 

•  provide a clear planning framework regarding activities anticipated within the area covered by Airport designations, through a specific airport zone;  

•  ensure the contemporary role and function of the airport is recognised; and
•  provide a consistent approach to managing activities sensitive to airport noise.
Any person who made a submission, as well as NAL, may appeal the decision on Private Plan Change 30 to the Environment Court by no later than 5pm on Monday 10 March 2025.
PPC30 was accompanied by a NoR in which NAL proposed to alter the Airport’s existing designations to:  

•  extend the length of the operational runway;  

•  enable an efficient, flexible and sustainable approach to developing Airport infrastructure, facilities and services; and  

•  minimise the effects of aircraft noise impacts on the surrounding community as far as practicable whilst also minimising adverse environmental and cultural effects.
Once NAL has made its decision the NoR, Council will notify that decision and there will be a appeal period of 15 working days.