Nelson City Council Plans – A Guide
13/11/2020 12:09pm
One of Nelson City Council’s core responsibilities is to make strategic plans that outline the future of our City.
These plans come under various different names, and look to achieve different things.
On occasion, we get feedback that indicates some people are confused about the differences between each plan. So here is a guide to Council’s major planning documents that are underway now.
Long Term Plan
The Long Term Plan is a ten-year plan that is refreshed every three years. It outlines Council’s vision for the future of Nelson, major projects that Council will undertake over the next decade and the associated budgets.
Council is currently preparing its plan for activities, projects and budgets for the next Long Term Plan 2021-31. Several pre-engagement sessions were held with the community in September-November to gather informal feedback, and a Consultation Document will be released in March 2021. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Keep an eye on for updates.
Annual Report
Council also produces an Annual Report that includes information on expenditure and performance at the end of each financial year (1 July – 30 June). The 2019/20 Annual Report will be published in December 2020.
Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan
The Draft Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan is a resource management plan for managing how Nelson grows and develops, and for protecting our natural environment. It will prescribe how we manage the growth, development and protection of our built and natural environment; for example setting limits for subdivision, building height, earthworks or discharging pollutants into waterways. Phase one of public engagement on the Draft Nelson Plan runs until 6 December 2020.
Come and talk to us at Victory Community Centre, on Thursday 26 November from 1pm – 4.30pm, or at the Nelson Saturday Market on Saturday 28 November from 8am to 1.30pm, to find out more about the Draft Nelson Plan before you make a submission.
You can find out more and have your say at
After this round of engagement with the community, there will be another opportunity to provide feedback on a consultation document in early 2021.
Feedback submissions can be as short as a few paragraphs outlining your thoughts and can be made on the Shape Nelson website.
While we use social media as a way of encouraging feedback, social media comments do not count as official feedback and official submissions must be made on the Shape Nelson website.