Nelson City Events Strategy adopted

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Council has adopted the Nelson City Events Strategy. The Strategy will provide greater clarity for the community and will guide Council's future support of events. The strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA) and with input from a range of stakeholders.

The Strategy will provide greater clarity for the community and will guide Council's future support of events. The strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA) and with input from a range of stakeholders.

Under the strategy, Council will continue to provide significant funding for events through the Nelson Events Fund. This will have two components, one to support events that foster community well-being and social outcomes, the other to support events that grow Nelson's economy.

Mayor Rachel Reese says, "Nelson can be proud of its long history of developing unique events like the Adam Chamber Music Festival or the Masked Parade, which bring our community together and also attract visitors to our city.

"The new Strategy provides clear direction for how we intend to build on that reputation and continue to grow a rich events calendar. As a Council, we need to know we're supporting the rights events at the right time to bring value to the community for our investment.

"The Strategy is underpinned by a partnership approach. Council is just one of many partners working together to deliver an exciting range of events to the city across the year. These events don't just contribute to our economy, they also bring people together and build a sense of pride and identity for our city. This a smart approach, and one that fits with our vision to be The Smart Little City."

The finalised Nelson City Events Strategy is now available on the Council website,