Much of the damage caused by the extreme weather events in Nelson in February this year, has now been repaired.

Wakefield Quay

Repairs to the Settlers Memorial walkway, the Seafarers Walkway and beach access steps were completed three weeks ahead of schedule and within budget. 

Tahunanui Beach

Repairs to the dunes, bollard and rope barriers, boardwalks and the Lions Playground are all complete. 

One Back Beach car park has reopened, but one remains closed as Council considers the best long term options for this section of the beach. An extra section of green space will be opened for parking once the weather warms up to cater for summer visitors.
A number of pine trees at the Back Beach have now died due to being inundated with salt water. They will be felled over the coming months. 

Rocks Road
The footpath was repaired at the same time as the NZTA road resurfacing. The chain link fence is now complete again after new poles had to be made to order to replace the 20 that were lost in the storm.

Whakatu Drive Path
The missing section has been reinstated and extra rock protection has been added.

The jetty has been repaired. A dead tree at Fosters Reserve has been removed and reused as a playground feature in the Octopus’s Garden. A replanting programme is being planned. A resource consent application has been lodged to carry out repairs on the Martin Road Peninsula. 

The Glen
Short term repairs have been carried out at Airlie Street/Seafield Terrace and Council is now in the process of investigating options for the long-term storm protection work in this vulnerable location.

Akersten Street
Work is underway now to repair the damage to the footpath at the northern end of Akersten Street.
Various slips and track repairs have also been carried out in Council reserves all around the region.

Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding as we’ve worked our way through tackling all these repairs.