Nelson Tasman RSLG seeks feedback on their Regional Workforce Plan

16/12/2021 12:25pm

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The Nelson Tasman Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) is seeking feedback on their proposed focus areas for their Regional Workforce Plan (RWP).

As a government appointed group of representatives of the Nelson Tasman region, the Nelson Tasman RSLG has been tasked with identifying and supporting improved ways to meet future skills and workforce needs for the Nelson Tasman region.

The proposed focus areas for the first iteration of the RWP are:

  • Opportunities
  • Construction
  • Ocean Economy
  • Māori Economy
  • Food and Beverage
  • People
  • Older workers
  • Rangatahi
  • Māori Workforce
  • Education and Training

As valued members of the Nelson community, we want to know:

  • Have we identified the key regional sectors?
  • What jobs and skills will be needed in the future to support these sectors?
  • What key actions should happen and who should lead them?
For any thoughts or feedback, please e-mail