Nelson water restrictions lifted
19/01/2024 4:05pm
Water restrictions have been cancelled in Nelson as the current water supply is at a higher level than anticipated for the 2023/24 summer period.
Council first announced water restrictions on 23 November 2023 with Nelson entering Stage One restrictions from 1 December 2023. Nelson moved into Stage Two restrictions on 20 December 2023.
Group Infrastructure Manager Alec Louverdis explains the change in levels.
“We continually monitor the levels of our dam and any incoming weather. Predictions have been for a hot, dry, long summer. In previous years, similar predictions have delivered diminishing levels of water and required heavy restrictions. We decided to move to stage two restrictions quickly to ensure that our water levels would remain adequate. Thanks to some wet weather and the efforts of Nelson residents we can remove the water restrictions currently in place.”
While water levels are currently at a healthy level, Nelsonians should keep an eye out for any change.
“Water restrictions may be re-introduced should the weather and demand require it,” says Louverdis.
Nelson receives its water from three sources. A direct ‘run of river’ weir on the South Branch of the Maitai River, the Maitai dam with an intake structure on the North Branch of the Maitai River and a low level dam with run of river intake on the Roding River. During the summer months our resource consent sets river flow limits on the Roding River which impacts what we receive from that source. This makes us very reliant on the water we store in the Maitai Dam.