Nelson’s Highland Pipe Band celebrates 100 years

13/09/2024 10:11am
Nelson Highland Pipeband 1925, image credit: Nelson Provincial Museum
Nelson Highland Pipeband 1925, image credit: Nelson Provincial Museum

The City of Nelson Highland Pipe Band is gearing up to celebrate its 100th anniversary this September.

To commemorate its centenary the band has planned a series of events on 28 September 2024. Festivities will kick off with a free public street performance at the top of Trafalgar Street at 10am, showcasing the band's talent and tradition to the community and finish with a ticketed public ceilidh dance in the evening.

A private morning tea for past and present members will provide an opportunity for camaraderie and reminiscing about shared experiences. If you have ever been involved in the band, please email and come along!

Nelson Mayor Nick Smith says the City of Nelson Highland Pipe Band has been the backing sound for many key Civic events over the past century. 

''The band has been part of everything from Anzac Day services to the Santa Parade. Its 100th birthday is definitely something to celebrate.” 

In addition, the band has attended many other Nelson Civic events over the years including the Silver Ploughing contest, A&P shows, Rose Day and Isel in Bloom. It even made an appearance in the movie Kiwi Flyer in 2011. 
Founded in 1924, the Nelson Highland Pipe Band’s history is marked by extraordinary leadership, musical triumphs, community engagements, and a rich legacy of Scottish tradition.

The band first performed in 1925 when the Ladies Band from Australia visited and formed the Burns Club in Nelson, in 1929. 

Between the 1940s and 1980s the band was well known for its Highland Balls, which were a firm fixture on Nelson’s social calendar, attracting more than 500 people each year. 

More recently, the band hosts Pipes in the Park, an annual outdoor concert held at the Fairfield House meadow. The next one is scheduled for 2 February 2025. 

The band is still a strong tutoring band, with nationally qualified teachers in both bagpipes and drums, and they always welcome new members. It has members spanning several generations, and a great family atmosphere. It hopes to continue to play and compete for many more years to come! 

To purchase tickets to the ceilidh please visit: 

To find out about learning or appearances contact: