No yellow bin recycling for two weeks from 7–18 August 2023

07/08/2023 4:39pm

A reminder for residents to please hold their yellow bins for the fortnight 7–18 August 2023.

This means one collection will be paused for every Nelson household while the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) that processes plastics, tin/aluminium and cardboard for the region is temporarily closing for essential heavy maintenance work to its recycling processing machinery. 

>>> “Week 2” residents your yellow bin will be picked up again as usual from the week beginning 21 August.

>>> “Week 1” residents your yellow bin will be picked up again as usual from the week beginning 28 August. 

Your "week" is on a sticker on your bin or look up your week here

Note: this shutdown will NOT affect glass recycling – blue crates can go out as usual