Plan Change 31

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Plan Change 31 seeks to amend Schedule N of the Industrial Zone of the Nelson Resource Management Plan to provide for supermarket activities in the Nelson Junction area (33 Cadillac Way) Annesbrook Nelson, as a controlled activity instead of a non-complying activity.

The Plan Change will allow supermarket activities to be provided for under Schedule N of the NRMP in the same manner as other large format retail activities on the site. This will require a resource consent to be lodged and an assessment of the proposal to be undertaken.

The reasons for the Plan Change include: 
  • Since the 2006 Plan Change 06/01 the RMA has been amended (the Resource Management Simplifying and Streamlining Amendment Act 2009) to exclude consideration of trade competition from resource consent and plan making processes. 
  • Recent Commerce Commission’s market study of the retail grocery sector and subsequent recommendation to make more land available for new grocery stores may see further changes to planning laws for supermarkets, in a bid to free up sites.
  • A non-complying activity status for supermarkets on this site is inconsistent with the purpose and direction from the National Policy Statement for Urban Development (NPS-UD), and subsequently, the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy 2022 (NTFDS) which seeks to ensure New Zealand has well-functioning urban environments that enable people to provide for their wellbeing and the changing needs of communities. Consequently, the current non-complying activity status for supermarket activities is contradictory to current RMA requirements, outdated, and inconsistent with best practice and central government policy direction.

If you have views, concerns, or would like to support all or some of the proposed plan change, you can make a submission either online or via letter or email or in person at Council’s Customer Service Centre.

For more information, please visit: