​Please remember that under the Dog Control Bylaw, dogs are not permitted in the busy Maitai River swimming holes from December until the end of March.

This includes the following swimming holes and picnic areas:

•    The picnic area and river bank beside Black Hole - true right side of the river only. (This is the right hand side, when looking downstream.)
•    Dennes Hole and the adjacent picnic area
•    Sunday Hole and the adjacent picnic area
•    Maitai Camp Hole and the adjacent picnic area.

You can swim your dog in other areas of the river but please remember to check the status of the river for the toxic algae, cyanobacteria, which can be harmful to dogs if they ingest it. 

Signage will be in place if it reaches significant levels in the river. Monitoring information is also available on the Council website

Dogs are welcome to swim at the Back Beach at Tahunanui too.