Pre-Election Report to encourage informed debate

22/07/2022 10:28am

Primarily for anyone considering standing for local council, the Nelson City Council pre-election report provides important information on the issues Nelson and Council are likely to face over the coming years.

With the nomination period now open and voting beginning in September, the report is intended to encourage discussion and informed debate over the next few months.  

Nelson City Council Chief Executive Pat Dougherty says it’s important all candidates and the wider community have access to this key information as the city and Council continue to respond to many changes and challenges.   

“Over the last term of the Council, we have all faced extraordinary challenges from COVID-19.  The new data on climate change and central government’s major programme of legislative reform will mean the next term of Council is no less challenging. 

“Council will play a vital role in responding to these challenges by working closely alongside the community to respond to change and make Nelson an even better place.”   

The report outlines Council’s delivery of the vision of Nelson, A Smart Little City – He Tāone Tōrire a Whakatū. It also provides an overview of the current position and future direction of Council, including its financial position and planned spending.  

The report highlights the major projects and initiatives planned over the next term and the significant challenges and opportunities Nelson and Council are likely to encounter, such as: 

  • Responding to climate change. 
  • Supporting Nelson’s recovery from economic and social impacts of COVID and the associated disruptions. 
  • Planning for growth and our changing demographic make-up. 
  • Managing funding pressures by balancing rates affordability with delivering services that meet community expectations and projected growth, while continuing to invest in necessary infrastructure. 
  • Preparing for significant reform, changes to legislation, and new requirements so that a regional perspective is considered in central government decision making and benefits for Nelson are achieved.

“On behalf of Nelson City Council, I encourage those considering standing for election to read the report. The information provided can help prioritise issues and facilitate productive debate about how we best move forward as a community.  

“I also encourage our community to look at the report as these issues affect all of us, and it is important to know what the next leaders of our city will have to focus on.  

“Finally, I hope everyone will get out and vote this September. This is an important opportunity for the community to decide who will guide our city through these challenges over the next three years.” 

The election runs between 16 September and 8 October 2022. Council urges those interested in standing in this year’s election to submit their nomination forms prior to nominations closing at midday 12 August 2022.  

Read the 2022 Pre-election Report.