Project Mahitahi Stories of the Awa

29/03/2021 12:54pm

There are many stories of the Mahitahi, the river and valley that has run through the lives and hearts of people of Whakatū Nelson for hundreds of years.

As part of Tuku 21 Heritage Festival,  Project Mahitahi is building a digital story map to capture some of the histories and memories of this special place. To help us breathe life into the collection, we are asking for your contributions in the form of stories, images, and recollections to add to the map that will be exhibited in the library, along the rear windows facing the Mahitahi / Maitai River, and online at the end of the Festival.

You can find see some of the oral histories that we’ve already collected here:

To contribute, you can either:
  • Come to Nelson Elma Turner Library and collect a form to write down your recollection and include any photos or images (can be as short as a paragraph or as long as you wish).  The library staff will then help you to scan this into our system so we can print it off and add to the window map.  
  • Email your recollection to us at, or upload it online at  We will add content to the display every week, so come along and see what other people have added.

At the end of April, we will randomly select one contributor to receive copy of the book Old Nelson: A postcard history 1900-1940.

We will also be running a story map project at Stoke Library for the Poorman Valley Stream project. Find out more here.