Rates rebates available for some Nelson residents

04/05/2021 12:15pm

Nelson City Council, on behalf of the Department of Internal Affairs, administers the rates rebate scheme for people who are having difficulty paying their rates.

You may qualify for a refund of a portion of your rates depending on your income, rates and the number of dependents living with you.

You can apply for a rates rebate before 30 June 2021, if the following is applicable to you:

  • You pay the rates on the address that you live at

  • You were living at that address at 1 July 2020

  • Your name is on the rates account

Please visit our Customer Service Centre team at 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson, give us a call on

03 546 0200 or email us on rates.rebates@ncc.govt.nz to see if you qualify for a rates rebate. 

Rates rebates are granted under the Rates Rebate Act 1973 and you must provide income and accommodation information so your rebate can be calculated.

For further details go to the Nelson City Council website.