Recovery – two months on, where are we now

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The transition period that followed the state of emergency declaration has now ended but our support for residents continues as we move through the recovery process for our community.

Residents with impacted properties are receiving regular email updates with information, with six email updates sent out to more than 130 affected residents so far. We are also continuing to hold regular community meetings and drop-in sessions to help put residents in touch with agencies, geotechnical engineers and Council teams that deal with building and resource consents. 

Council has recently introduced navigators, people who act as a single point of contact assisting residents to connect with the right organisations and people.

Group Manager Infrastructure Alec Louverdis said it was important that the community realised Nelson City Council was in for the long haul when it came to recovery.

“We are here to help, and work alongside people to progress their situation and get back home as soon as is possible. We know from the experience of Westport, that 18 months on navigators are still helping to assist that community. We have one navigator in place now and we will be increasing that number and finding them an easily accessible central city location to work from so that residents can drop in and have a face-to-face conversation with someone who will help them find the information they need.” 

If you or someone you know needs the assistance of the navigator, please phone 03 546 0200 or email