Repair and reuse with Fix it Saturday
18/05/2021 10:41am
Nelsonians with rips to mend or a bike to fix can bring a broken household item needing minor repair to Nelson City Council’s trial pop-up repair cafe.
Called Fix it Saturday, the Council’s Rethink Waste programme is hosting the trial with the support of Mitre 10 Mega, Habitat for Humanity, Nelson Tasman Climate Forum and the Nelson Environment Centre at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore Hub in Tahunanui on Saturday 29 May, 10am-1pm.
Repair Cafés are places where volunteers share their skills and expertise to give new life to items that might otherwise be thrown away.
Infrastructure Chair Brian McGurk said repair cafes were a way of reviving the culture of fixing or mending items when they were broken or damaged, rather than replacing them, in line with Council’s waste minimisation goals.
“It used to be that when something was broken, you'd have a go at fixing it, and buying a new one was the very last option. Events like Fix it Saturday, and repair cafes in general, are a great opportunity not only to get that broken or damaged item fixed but see it happen in front of you and have an opportunity to learn how to carry out simple repairs yourself in future.”
Options for items that can be repaired at Fix it Saturday include clothing, small electrical appliances, toys, bicycles, general household items and small pieces of furniture. Visible mending demonstrations will also take place.
How it works:
-Nelson residents can bring one item per household, including small electrical appliances (not electric blankets or microwaves), bicycles, toys, clothing and miscellaneous household or small furniture items
-Repairs will be assessed and tickets allocated, with people asked to complete a registration form. Repairers will advise if they think an item isn’t suitable for repair
-Only minor repairs that can be completed in a short timeframe will be accepted, as we wish to assist as many people as possible
-Where practical, people will be invited to assist in the repair.
The ReStore pre-loved store will be open to browse, and refreshments will be available to purchase at ReStore’s Nook Cafe.