Sheep are back on the Grampians

21/11/2018 2:14am

Sheep have just been reintroduced to the Grampians Reserve.

There are some Council reserves where sheep and cattle are used for grass and weed control. They do an important job in looking after our reserves and we need to make sure they are looked after too. 

Sheep are now back on the Grampians Reserve. They are currently just in the area around the zigzag track above Collingwood Street but will be moved around the Reserve. The areas where sheep are grazing will be clearly signposted.

The main threat to sheep is being attacked by dogs so we remind all dog owners to be extremely vigilant. 

The Control of Dogs Bylaw requires all dogs to be kept under control by the owner when in a public place. The owner must decide whether this control can be achieved off lead or on a lead but a lead must be carried at all times.

Please don’t rely on your dog’s normal recall and good behaviour patterns where stock is present - if in any doubt use a lead.  Even the most obedient dog still has animal instincts and there have been numerous accounts of dog attacks on sheep in Council reserves. Council has the right to put down a dog caught attacking stock.

Four legged weed control

As well as the Grampians Reserve, stock are used in the upper end of the Maitai Walkway, Tantragee Saddle, Sir Stanley Whitehead Park and other reserves because of the amazing weed control job they do. 

Sheep in particular love to eat Old Mans Beard, a weed that has the potential to smother regenerating native plants.  The numbers of sheep are carefully managed so only light grazing happens because if the sheep get too hungry they could start eating the plants they are there to protect rather than the noxious weeds.

This limited use of grazing on reserves supports the valuable work of the many voluntary weed control groups in our region.  

Cattle are generally used in areas where they can keep the grass down which is a big help in reducing the fire risk from long grass in the summer months.

Please remember be aware of the presence of stock in reserves and ensure you keep your dog under control at all times.