The Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy 2022-52 is open for consultation, and Nelson City Council is running a series of webinars for people who want to ask staff questions before making a submission.

The strategy looks at potential sites for development (for housing and business) in Nelson Tasman, the types of housing we require, and identifies the infrastructure required to support it. To read the consultation document and see maps of the proposed areas, visit:

The next webinar is Thursday 24 March at 7.30pm, and there is one more webinar scheduled before consultation closes. If you can’t attend a webinar but want to ask Council staff a question about the strategy, email

Although people can talk about any area proposed within the FDS at the webinars listed below, a webinar specifically focussed on sites in the Maitai Valley is planned. Times and dates are to be confirmed.


Thursday 24 March 2022, 7:30pm
Zoom link:

Monday 28 March 2022, 12:30pm
Zoom link: