Thanks for your dog park feedback

07/08/2019 9:06am

Nelson City Council has been investigating providing a dedicated dog park somewhere in the city.

Dog parks are fenced-in areas where dogs can be exercised and socialise. 

As well as looking at facilities in other parts of New Zealand, Council also asked for residents thoughts through an online survey. 

The survey attracted 1,456 responses, with 86% of those from dog owners. 

Eighty-eight per cent said they would use a dog park either regularly or occasionally. Providing a dog agility area was favoured by 75% of those who replied. 

Forty-two per cent indicated a willingness to help with fundraising to contribute to the cost of a dog park. 

Decisions about the possible location and structure of a dog park are still to come but we’ll provide updates as the project goes forward. 

Thanks to all those who took the time to give us their feedback, it’s a great help in designing a facility that will be well-used and appreciated by the community.