The Pump Track’s back

29/04/2024 1:31am

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The Pump Track at the Maitai Recreation Hub, damaged beyond repair in the August 2022 floods, is being rebuilt.

Group Manager Community Services Andrew White acknowledged the feeling in the community after August 2022.

"A lot of people were pretty upset when it was destroyed in the floods, a mere three months after it was opened to the public. We’re pleased to be able to bring this track back to the biking community.

"It will be built in a new location (further towards the Maitai Road and further away from the river) and will include improvements to the soak pits and drainage. Due to positive feedback, the design will remain the same."

Contractors started work last week and the project is expected to take four weeks. 

We understand there'll be some excited BMX-biking kids out there after hearing this news, but please make sure children (and keen adults!) keep clear of the site until it’s fully completed.