Tuku 24 Whakatū event hosts needed
22/11/2023 10:53am
Now is the time to put your heritage ideas into action as planning for Tuku 24 Whakatū begins.
Starting 24 March 2024 and running through to 4 May 2024, the festival offers a range of interesting and exciting events designed to celebrate the unique and diverse heritage of Whakatū.
Every year, multiple organisations and community groups run their own events throughout Nelson with support from
Nelson City Council. Events must have a focus on heritage through stories of people and place and be open to the public. Council is looking for a broad range of event ideas from our vibrant and diverse community - surprise us!
An information pack, event registration forms and grant application forms are available now on tukuwhakatu.co.nz.
The deadline to submit ideas and lodge a grant application is 5pm 8 January 2024.