Two slips have closed sections of the Dun Trail for some time, however, progress is being made towards reopening these sections.

Funding has been received from MBIE towards both of these projects. The nature of both projects is that highly specialised contractors with expertise in rope work are needed.

Fenceline slip
A project is underway to span a boardwalk across this slip, which is being managed by the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust. The design for the boardwalk has been completed by geotechnical engineers and the alignment has been marked out. Work was scheduled to begin on the fenceline slip this month however the contractors are also involved in the Kaikoura rebuild and have had to prioritise that work. The piles for the fenceline slip are now expected to be driven by the end of January, with the boardwalk structure completed and the route reopened by mid-February.

Pipeline slip
Funding was included for the current financial year to remediate the slip near the Maitai Dam, that has covered a section of the water pipeline bench. The remedial project is being overseen by Nelson Tasman Cycle Trails Trust and Nelson City Council. It is a site on top of major water infrastructure, and the nature of the rock is that ongoing loose material is likely, so a range of options have had to be investigated including seeking an alternate route. Geotechnical engineers have now prepared a methodology for reinstatement of the existing route. The same specialised contractors are required for both tasks, therefore they will move to the pipeline slip after they finish work on the fenceline slip. This is expected to take place during February, and take around 4-6 days.