We want to hear from you in the 2024/25 residents’ survey!

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It’s that time again, where Nelson City Council is asking the community for feedback about our organisation’s current services, activities, and overall direction.

The results of these surveys give us a valuable overview of public opinion and help Council improve how it delivers the services that impact you – everything from Nelson’s transportation network to sporting and cultural events and even how we look after the natural environment.

An independent research company will survey at least 400 Nelson residents at random, across four periods between July 2024 and June 2025 to maximise opportunities for people to participate. We’ll make the survey results public once the survey is completed, but individual responses will be completely anonymous.

If you've been chosen to participate, you’ll get a letter in the mail with a QR code you can scan to complete the survey online. You’ll also be able to request a paper copy if that is easier for you. Either way, the survey should only take about 10–15 minutes to complete. As thanks for taking the time to respond, you’ll go in a draw to win one of four Prezzy cards valued at $100 each, so make sure you check your mailbox!

Even if you aren’t selected to complete the survey, there are always plenty of ways to share your feedback with Council. Projects open for consultation are regularly updated online at shape.nelson.govt.nz and you can report any problems or issues through the Antenno App or by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 03 546 0200.