York Stream Stormwater Upgrade sorted
09/05/2018 12:00am
The third and fourth stages of the York Stream Stormwater Upgrade are largely complete, with just the finishing touches needed.
The third stage linked the previous stages completed at the intersection of Tipahi Street / Kawai Street South in 2013 and across Waimea Road into Boundary Road in 2016.
Stage three involved the installation of 1800mm diameter concrete stormwater pipes, along with the installation and relocation of other utility services.
The fourth stage was the construction of a new stormwater intake structure for York Stream, with associated pipe works and landscaping in the Bishopdale Reserve, near the Market and Waimea Road intersection.
Council thanks all the local residents for their patience as several issues arose that caused significant delays to the completion date of Stage Three.
It was an important project to get done in terms of improving stormwater infrastructure to reduce the risk of flood damage to roads and property in heavy rain events.