Council's Right Tree Right Place Taskforce coming at the right time

14/02/2023 10:28am

At its meeting on Thursday 9 February, Council approved the creation of the Right Tree Right...

MicrosoftTeams image 1 Media Release

Proposed Council structure follows Mayor’s governance reset

08/11/2022 12:55pm

New Nelson Mayor Nick Smith is proposing a new Council structure that allows for a closer...

Final call for nominations for the local election

10/08/2022 12:09pm

Nominations to stand for election close this Friday 12 August at 12pm, sharp.

Mayor's Message: 15 years as an elected member have raced by

02/06/2022 11:37am

Regardless of where you sit on the length of electoral terms, one thing I think we...

TimCuff ClimateActionPlan21 copy 2 Media Release

Council launches Climate Action Plan

09/12/2021 11:29am

In a council meeting on Tuesday 23 November 2021, elected members voted to adopt Nelson City...

Betsy Eyre Park Media Release

Betsy Eyre honoured with new information panels

22/07/2020 1:12pm

In 1956, Nelson City Council welcomed its first woman Councillor, Betsy Eyre.

Council’s longest-serving staff member celebrates 45-years in the job

24/06/2020 5:37pm

In the same year that GIS Analyst Ian Tyler first started work at Nelson Council, Waitangi...

Capture election candidates3 Media Release

Mayor announces proposed committee structure and Deputy Mayor

23/10/2019 11:34am

The new triennium for Nelson City Council will begin with a revised committee structure that is...

Council to develop a policy around workshops

25/09/2018 9:04am

Council requested that a policy be developed for workshops, and that the use of live-streaming video...