Council supports Seafield Terrace storm repairs
14/12/2018 4:29am
Seafield Terrace at Glenduan, and associated infrastructure services, suffered considerable damage in the November 2017 and February 2018 storms.
Currently the road has had interim repairs and the infrastructure services have been moved further inland in an attempt to minimise further damage.
The risk to the road from minor weather events remains high in its current state and in a significant event there is a risk that Airlie Street residents will be cut off.
After consulting with affected residents and considering the viability of several options Council will progress with the remediation of Seafield Terrace, using what is termed the “scaled up do minimum” option which includes the construction of a six metre wide rock revetment structure engineered to protect the road against a 5 -10 year storm events
Glenduan resident Phil Osbourne, speaking on behalf of residents involved in the process, says “We appreciated working with the Council on this project to restore the road and look forward to a more resilient foreshore edge.”
Mayor Rachel Reese says “We felt this was the most practical, cost-effective and achievable in the short to medium-term. It also has future flexibility, depending on the outcome of the coastal hazards and climate change planning work that is underway.
“We appreciate the way residents have partnered with us and been involved in finding an acceptable solution to a challenging issue.”
Design work will begin in the current financial year and a request for further funding and will for construction and consent costs will be expected in the 2019/20 Draft Annual Plan.