Have you read Nelson's 2019 pre-election report?
09/08/2019 4:28am
With nominations for Council closing on Friday 16 August and voting opening on 20 September, Nelson City Council’s pre-election report is a valuable resource for both potential candidates and voters.
The report is designed to help the public and prospective candidates to understand the current position and future direction of Nelson City Council.
It includes the current financial position, planned spending and the significant issues that the Council will be tackling over the next few years.
The pre-election report outlines Council’s efforts to deliver on the vision of Nelson as The Smart Little City, he tāone tōrire a Whakatū.
It reflects Council’s focus on its four priorities of core infrastructure, protecting and enhancing the natural environment, developing the City Centre, and lifting Council performance.
It also highlights the need to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, and ways to enhance the overall wellbeing of all Nelsonians.
“Our region continues to deliver outstanding opportunities to live well but in recent times we have also faced some big challenges”, says Nelson City Council Chief Executive Pat Dougherty.
“Funding is increasingly under pressure and the needs and expectations of our community are changing. These different priorities need to be discussed in an open manner in the lead up to the election as, once in office, our newly elected members will need to make decisions about the future allocation of funding and resources.
“I believe Council is well-positioned to meet these challenges and my focus as Chief Executive is to balance efficient delivery of essential services, continuing investment in infrastructure and amenities, and affordable rates,” says Dougherty.
The pre-election report was prepared by Chief Executive Pat Dougherty, in accordance with the Local Government Act and can be viewed on nelson.govt.nz/pre-election-report-2019.
People interested in standing in this year’s election are urged to submit their nomination forms as soon as possible.
Forms are available via the Nelson City Council website, along with other useful resources for candidates and voters.
Nominations close at midday on 16 August, while the election runs from 20 September to 12 October 2019.