More financial assistance needed for those affected by slips and flooding
28/11/2022 5:34pm
The Nelson Tasman Mayoral Relief Fund has distributed $691,833.53 to around 230 individuals, families and businesses affected by the August weather event, but further funding is required to meet current demand.
The Fund has received $694,000 in donations: $300,000 from the government, and the remainder kindly donated by businesses and individuals in our local communities. In addition, the Mayoral Relief Fund received $90,000 from the government specifically to assist those affected by the closure of State Highway 6, and to-date $41,800 of that has been allocated.
Nelson Mayor Nick Smith says it’s clear the demand from our community is still there and he has written to government requesting further help.
“Tasman Mayor Tim King and I have asked the Minister of Emergency Management for further funding. We have done our best to allocate all of the money in the fund to those most in need, but we still have outstanding applications. We are very grateful for the support we have received but the blunt reality is we need more.
“I hope government can extend the generosity they have shown so far, so we can ensure those who have suffered financially as a result of August’s severe weather event have some respite.”
A further callout for financial donations from the public is also underway.
“If people, businesses or organisations can donate anything at all, every bit will make a difference to people that are facing a holiday season out of their homes,” says Mayor Nick.
“We already have applications to hand for an additional $200,000 plus, from people that have been severely impacted by the August weather event, and we expect more applications to be submitted between now and when applications close on 30 November.”
The Mayoral Relief Fund is designed to help people and businesses who have experienced unexpected financial loss due to the weather event. This includes things like costs not covered by insurance, essential living costs, family or personal crises and, for businesses, a significant drop in income. In any civil defence emergency, these are costs Councils cannot directly help people with using ratepayer money.
To donate to the Mayoral Relief Fund visit for bank account details.