NCC closes trails to mountain bikes during Covid-19 shutdown
27/03/2020 3:10am
Nelson City Council is closing its trails to mountain biking during the COVID-19 shutdown, effective immediately.
There may not be signage up on all the trails to indicate this, but they are to be treated as closed.
Tasman District Council has also taken the same action in closing all of its mountain bike trails.
In many places vehicle access to parks and reserves will be restricted.
Both councils consulted with relevant authorities, including Health and the Police before reaching this decision and there was broad support for closure.
Following the Government’s announcement of the National State of Emergency this week, the advice is for people to stay home and not take part in activities that could result in an emergency services callout or personal injury requiring hospitalisation stretching their resources even further.
We should not have to be reminded to avoid situations where too many people are gathering in one place, making social distancing impossible says Tasman Mayor Tim King.
“In reflecting the current national advice people should think if I am driving to recreate or travelling beyond my neighbourhood I have probably gone too far."
Mayor Rachel Reese says that people’s safety, and reducing the risk of an emergency call out, are paramount at this time.
“We encourage people to continue to get the exercise they need within the constraints of the shutdown, and to remember that we must prioritise safety and protecting our health system,” she says.
Nelsonians are reminded to stick to their local neighbourhood for physical exercise, and to maintain a physical distance of two metres between themselves and other people.
Whatever exercise you choose, touching gates and other infrastructure should be avoided, and strict handwashing protocols followed upon returning home.