Nelson at Alert Level Two following community COVID-19 cases in Auckland
15/02/2021 2:07am
Central Government has confirmed three community cases of COVID-19 in Auckland, which means Auckland is now at Alert Level 3. Nelson, along with the rest of New Zealand, is now at Alert Level 2.
At Alert Level 2, people are required to wear face coverings on public transport or on a plane. Everyone should wear a face covering while on public bus services, unless they are under 12 years old, or have a health reason for not wearing one.
People are also encouraged to wear a mask where it is harder to physically distance, for instance in shops or cafes.
Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese said the return to restrictions after a carefree summer would come as an unpleasant reminder for many that COVID-19 is still a significant health risk for all of New Zealand, but urged Nelsonians to once again show the care, patience, and community spirit that was such a feature of 2020.
“We've proven through all our hard work last year that we know how to work effectively as a region to keep each other safe. Follow Ministry of Health advice, use the COVID-19 Tracer app and remember how important it is to take the risks seriously."
During all Alert Levels, Nelson City Council maintains essential services, including refuse/recycling, public transport, roading, water, wastewater, stormwater, swimming pools and its cemetery/crematorium. Most Council services will stay the same at Alert Level 2 but there will be some key changes to be aware of:
What’s changed from Monday 15 February:
- Council’s Customer Service Centre will reintroduce physical distancing. Visitors must register for contact tracing, and there will be a maximum of eight customers allowed in the centre at any one time. Cashless payment is preferred.
- The Nelson Waste Recovery Centre at Pascoe Street remains open, but all payments must now be contactless, cash will not be accepted. Contact tracing will be required, including the recording of vehicle license plates. The reuse shop will be open for customers to drop off items, and with physical distancing and sanitisation measures, will also be open for shopping.
- Bus drivers, staff, and passengers are required to wear face coverings at Alert Levels 2 and 3.
- Physical distancing does not need to be observed on board public transport services at Alert Level 2. However, passengers are still encouraged to physically distance where possible.
- Passengers of small passenger vehicle services such as taxis will not need to wear masks, but drivers of these services will.
- All three Nelson libraries will remain open but numbers will be limited and all users must sign in. Customers are still encouraged to access our online services e.g. ebooks, audiobooks, movies and device help without visiting the physical library building. All classes and events at the libraries will stop, this includes Small Time and Story Time sessions.
- Riverside and Nayland swimming pools will remain open, however contact tracing is now required on entry.
- The cemetery and crematorium remain open. However, for funerals and tangi the maximum of 100 people will now apply.
- Drinking fountains and public BBQs will be closed until confirmation is received from public health authorities that they are safe to reopen.
- Physical council meetings, workshops and hearings will continue. However, the physical distancing requirements will mean that there will no longer be space available in the Council chamber for the public and media. All Council meetings will be livestreamed as usual and those wishing to speak at public meetings will be able to do so via Zoom.
- Physical distancing measures will mean more Council staff will be working from home in Alert Level 2. For those in Council workplaces, additional cleaning and hygiene practices will be implemented to ensure a safe working environment.
- Founders Heritage Park remains open, along with the café. Book donations will be accepted at Level 2. Isel House will be closed under Alert Level Two, but Broadgreen House remains open.
What’s staying the same:
- The Nbus timetable remains as normal at Level 2, but this will be reviewed if we go to Level 3.
- Bus fares are still being charged. Getting a Bee Card and registering it will allow people to pay for travel in a contactless manner. Registered Bee Cards will also be used for contact tracing – so please remember to tag on and off.
- Additional cleaning will continued to be carried out on the buses. Passengers should scan the COVID-19 QR codes displayed on the bus, which are unique to each bus route.
- Recycling will continue as normal.
- All programmed roading maintenance will continue
- All Nelson City Council capital construction projects will continue, with workers following the Government’s Alert Level 2 risk management practices.
- Public toilet facilities remain open, with increased cleaning being introduced.
- Businesses at Nelson Marina remain open as does the Marina Hardstand. The jetties and boat ramps remain open.
- Building inspections, environmental monitoring and public contact roles such as dog control, noise control will continue to be carried out according to the Alert Level 2 requirements.
- All parks and playgrounds remain open, including exercise equipment, skate parks and public sports facilities. It’s important to make sure you wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before and after use. People should not use equipment if they have cold or flu symptoms.
- Sports fields remain open and limited organised sports can continue, as permitted by the Government’s COVID-19 guidelines for recreational activities.
- Freedom camping sites remain open. Contact tracing will be in place.
- Campgrounds remain open, with strict and more regular cleaning protocols.
- Trails in the Nelson and Tasman region remain open to mountain biking and walking/running.
- People should stay home if they are unwell, or may have COVID-19. They should also not travel if they: have been requested to self-isolate/quarantine, have symptoms of COVID-19, or are awaiting COVID-19 test results. For more information about Alert Level Two visit: