Pressing play on Future Development Strategy public consultation
09/03/2022 4:39pm
Public Consultation is about to begin on Tasman District and Nelson City Councils’ joint Future Development Strategy (FDS) for the period 2022-52.
The FDS is a strategic plan that identifies potential sites for new homes and businesses within the Nelson and Tasman regions over the next 30 years and the key infrastructure required to support these sites.
The FDS will influence the futures of everyone in the region; the location and availability of new housing and the types of housing future generations will be able to live in, so it’s essential that public input is sought.
The FDS outlines a proposal of consolidated growth focussing largely along State Highway 6. This proposal includes prioritising intensification of housing development in Nelson, Atawhai, Stoke, Richmond, Brightwater, Wakefield, Māpua and Motueka, along with managed expansion around Nelson, Stoke, Richmond, Brightwater, Wakefield and Māpua, including opportunities for rural residential development.
Some managed expansion is proposed around the Tasman rural towns of Murchison, Tapawera, St Arnaud and in Golden Bay.
Commercial and residential growth within urban centres is proposed, alongside mixed use areas that aim to create growth opportunities for residential, commercial and light industrial activities in some of our towns.
The FDS does not rezone the land, but it will inform both Councils future Resource Management Plans for potential rezoning.
Tasman Mayor Tim King says reaching the public consultation stage of our Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy represents an important part in the planning for our region’s future growth.
“This is the second strategy for our future development that Tasman District and Nelson City Councils have developed together.
“We need to find suitable sites for up to 29,000 new homes for Nelson and Tasman combined over the next 30 years.
“To ensure any business or residential growth occurs in a way that maximises the benefits for those who live here now and in the future, it is important that we engage with our community.”
Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese says the popularity and continual growth of the Nelson Tasman region means we have to make changes in how we plan our housing and commercial developments.
“Affordable housing continues to be a pressing requirement and it is vital than our longer term plans address the needs of all parts of our community,” she says.
“Participation in the consultation process will help the Nelson and Tasman councils make decisions that balance the interests of all sectors of the local population.”
Public consultation on the FDS will run from 14 March 2022 to 5.00pm 14 April 2022.
A consultation document summarising the strategy will be made available to the public online, at libraries and customer service centres. This will provide an overview of the proposed strategy, as well as submission forms to provide feedback for consideration.
To keep everyone safe while New Zealand remains at Red setting under the Covid Protection Framework, in-person community consultation events will not take place.
Instead, we have a comprehensive online consultation programme, including a series of 17 community-focused, stakeholder and general webinars open to everyone. Our websites will also include a podcast on the FDS and an animation.
For more details on the FDS and how to join the online events, go to or