Get your votes in early for the 2019 Local Elections to have your say.

Voting papers will be sent out to enrolled voters from 20 – 25 September 2019 and must be returned by post or be hand delivered by 12 midday on Election Day 12 October 2019.

The last suggested day for using NZ Post to mail your votes in is Tuesday 8 October, so vote as soon as possible after receiving your voting papers in the post to ensure you don’t forget and miss out.

Select the candidates you wish to vote for on your voting papers, seal your prepaid envelope and put your completed voting papers in a post box.

You can also drop your voting papers into one of the ballot boxes in Council's Customer Service Centre or any of the Nelson Public Libraries up until midday on Saturday 12 October.

Council will also be providing a one-stop elections shop at the Nelson Saturday Market from 8am till 1pm on Saturday 21 and 28 September and 5 October in Montgomery Square near the BNZ car park.

Come along to the Nelson City Council stand where eligible voters can enrol, vote or cast a special vote at the one place.

In 2019, there are seven Mayoral Candidates and 31 Councillor Candidates. You can vote for one Mayoral Candidate and up to 12 Councillor Candidates.

Candidate profiles and voting details are available on the Nelson City Council website.

Do you have any further questions?

If you haven’t enrolled yet or received your voting papers by 25 September or you have changed address; please email, call Council's Customer Services Centre on 546 0200 or go to the Nelson City Council website.