Water supply protection zones proposed as Council seeks feedback on new bylaws

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Nelson City Council has agreed to consult with the public on new bylaws for wastewater and water supply.

Changes to the existing bylaw reflect requirements of the National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water. This also ensures the new bylaw aligns with the Nelson Tasman Land Development Manual 2019 and the new Tasman District Council Water Supply Bylaw as far as practicable.

For water supply, three Water Source Protection Zones are also proposed. Activities that are allowed within each zone will be controlled and their nature will depend on the risk they present to the water supply. High risk activities will be prohibited from areas close to the intakes for the supply.

The proposed Wastewater Bylaw introduces improvements in relation to discharges from swimming pools, and also from grease, silt, and oil traps. This bylaw also aligns with the Tasman District Council Wastewater Bylaw as far as practicable.

Infrastructure Chair Brian McGurk says the health and reliability of Nelson’s water supply and wastewater is critical for the future resilience of our City.

“We’ve seen examples of what can happen when a City does not take the appropriate steps to protect its water networks. The bylaw changes here, especially for water supply zoning, will provide the framework for ensuring we have clean drinking water and an efficient wastewater network in the years to come.

“These changes concern our entire community, so I encourage everyone to take part in the consultation.”
Submissions are accepted from 26 February and will be open for two months.

To find out more detail and make a submission, please visit: https://shape.nelson.govt.nz/reviewing-bylaws

Alternatively, you can send your submission by mail to:

Nelson City Council
PO Box 645
Nelson 7040

Submissions can be hand-delivered to Nelson City Council, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson or to any Nelson public library.

Or you can send submissions via email to:submissions@ncc.govt.nz