In order to cover rising costs, fees and charges for Nelson City Council’s cemeteries and crematorium will increase from 1 July 2022.

Cemeteries have increased costs to allow for urgent burials to occur in weekends and public holidays. Previously, there has not been the ability to allow burials over these times. Charges will increase 6.5% plus 4.9% consumer price index (CPI) for 2022/23.

Fuel costs have increased for the Crematorium, and user charges will increase to reflect the true cost of delivering the service. The crematorium charges will increase 7.3% plus 4.9% CPI for 2022/23.

It’s important that user charges recover the agreed portion of costs for our cemetery and crematorium services. For cemeteries, cost recovery from users is set at 40-60% and for the Crematorium recovery is 70-90%. Ratepayers pay a portion of the costs of providing these services to make sure they are available when people need them and to ensure upkeep of areas accessible to the general public.