Environmental Grant applications open until 30 September

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If you are a group or individual working to improve the health of Whakatū Nelson’s environment, you may be eligible for an Environmental Grant.

Funding of up to $20,000 is available per project in any one year, however, applicants should note that there are limited funds available. Support can be in the form of money, professional ecological advice, and/or native plants.

Funding priorities for the 2023/2024 financial year are:

  • Projects that restore riparian margins or wetlands.
  • Projects that reduce erosion from streambanks or steep slopes on farming and forestry land.
  • Projects that enhance soil conservation.
  • Projects that exclude stock from waterways.
  • Projects that protect and restore a Significant Natural Area. Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) are sites contain significant indigenous vegetation or significant habitat of indigenous fauna. SNAs may include a range of ecosystems, e.g. native forest or coastal dunes, and are important refuges for protecting Whakatū/Nelson's  ecosystems and species. Under the RMA, Council is required to work with landowners to identify and manage these areas.
  • Community projects* that protect and restore biodiversity by controlling weeds or browsing animals (e.g. goats, possums).
  • Community projects* that enhance native wildlife through predator control.

* Community projects are those that involve three or more landowners and/or involve public land.

Applications for the 2023/2024 funding round opened on Friday 1 September 2023 and close on Saturday 30 September 2023.

Does your project involve work in a Nelson City Council Park or Reserve, or a Significant Natural Area on private land? If so, please contact Council at nelson.nature@ncc.govt.nz or by phoning 03 546 0200, to discuss your project BEFORE completing the application.

Go to shape.nelson.govt.nz/environmental-grants to apply online and find out more, including FAQs and grant timeline.