Feedback is invited until 24 October, on the draft Gambling Policy.

The Nelson City Council Gambling Policy regulates the number and location of Class 4 gaming machines ('pokies') and Totalisator Agency Board ('TAB') venues within the Nelson district.

The Gambling Act 2003 and the Racing Act 2003 both require the Council to review its policy every three years. The last review was in 2016 when Council decided to retain the existing Policy without change. Council has recently undertaken a further review and as a result of this review is proposing some amendments to the Policy.

Brian McGurk, Co-Chair of the Planning and Regulatory Committee says Council would now like to know what you think of the changes that we’re suggesting to minimise the harm caused by gambling in Nelson city.
“Gaming machines are considered the most harmful form of gambling and areas of high deprivation are known to be more vulnerable to gambling harm.   Council has considered this when reviewing the Policy.”
Council is proposing to:

  • Reduce the cap on the number of Class 4 gaming machines (commonly known as pokies) allowed to operate in the district
  • Introduce location requirements for new venues, which would prevent them from being located in areas of high deprivation
  • Reduce the limit of the number of Class 4 gaming machines (commonly known as pokies) allowed at new venues
  • Make a number of editorial amendments to the Policy.


Council is keen to hear your views on any aspect of this proposal.


For more information or to view the full Statement of Proposal including the amended draft of the Policy view