Have you got a great idea about how to reduce or avoid waste going to our landfill but could do with some financial help to make it happen?

Nelson City Council’s waste minimisation grants are now open and offer up to $10,000 for businesses, community groups, iwi and schools to turn waste saving ideas into reality.

In last year’s trial of waste minimisation grants, Chia Sisters used a waste minimisation grant from Council to replace their plastic pallet wrap with reusable covers, saving four cubic metres of plastic wrap per year, and improving efficiency on the warehouse floor.

Council also funded Bridge Valley Camp to purchase reusable lunch boxes for school lunches, and supported Mutu, an app for sharing items like camping gear with others, to expand in our region.

This year, there is a particular focus on grants that can help support a reduction in demolition waste and food waste but Council is open to any project which avoids or reduces waste.

“Projects can be educational, research, or practical solutions to reduce or avoid waste,” says Group Manager of Infrastructure Alec Louverdis. 

“As a Council we are committed to achieving the goal of a 10% reduction in waste to landfill for the region by 2030, but we know that we need the community’s ideas to help this to happen.

“Our community is already very active and innovative around waste reduction. These grants are a way of helping people move their ideas into action,” says Alec.

Visit www.nelson.govt.nz/wastegrant2022 to learn more and check the conditions for applying, or email rethinkwaste@ncc.govt.nz.

Council will give grants of between $2000 and $10,000 to successful projects. There is a total of $40,000 available this year.

Applications for funding close on Thursday 31 March 2022.