On 2 December, Hira School held its Green Gold reflection day, to decide if the school was a good fit with the description of a Green Gold Enviroschool.

The students welcomed visitors, including past students, parents, board members and community members into the school to share their Enviroschools journey and provide evidence of all the work they had been doing since their Silver reflection. 

Highlights of the school tour included their refurbished playground, their awa iti and all their hard work caring for their school stream, and their fantastic gardens, fruit forest and plant nursery. 

Back in the classroom, students shared stories of their work tackling waste, learning about and looking after their environment and participating in community projects. 

After a wonderful shared lunch, everyone split up into small groups to look at whether the school has achieved its aspirations for Green Gold. 

To everyone’s excitement the decision was a resounding yes and Hira School officially became a Green Gold Enviroschool.