How to speed up your building consent application

06/11/2018 8:55am
Council offers a free 15-minute pre-lodgement meeting to help building consent applicants understand the requirements.
Council offers a free 15-minute pre-lodgement meeting to help building consent applicants understand the requirements.

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If you are applying for building consent, you can prevent unnecessary holdups by making sure you understand the process and timeframes, and prepare information ahead of time.

The Building Act 2004 requires Council to grant or refuse a building consent within 20 working days.

If your application does not show compliance with the Building Code, a Request for Information (RFI) will be issued, to which a complete response is required within 30 days. If your response is likely to take longer, you should contact Council to make special arrangements. 

You can help make the process quicker, easier, and more certain by taking advantage of a free 15 minute pre-lodgement meeting where you can find out about special conditions that may exist on your site, and what information might be required to support your Building Consent Application.
We also recommend investigating any specialist technical input that may be required before you apply for your Building Consent.

Phone 546 0200 to book a pre-lodgement meeting.