There are now 1,343 Nelson residents receiving Council’s Antenno alerts to their mobile phones.

Our audience has doubled since April, with more than 1300 app users able to receive notifications on Council topics including recycling, track and road closures, Council services at COVID Alert Levels, water shutdowns, rates information, public meetings and Council notices.

Antenno Stats

Not only does Antenno provide a helpful reminder to put out your recycling or take an alternative route to work, but if you are out and about and see something that requires Council assistance, then you can also easily report it using Antenno and it will be processed during office hours.

You can add a location, photo and log an issue with Council on a range of things including graffiti, overhanging vegetation, animal control, parking, air quality and environmental and water problems.

For further details on Antenno and other Council apps, go to the Nelson City Council website.