Nelson floods: Updates for Monday 22 August 2022

22/08/2022 11:23am

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Updates 1:45 PM

N-Bus route updates

  • Route 1 Bishopdale – Normal
  • Route 2 Tahuna – Running at normal times over Bishopdale
  • Tahuna Link temporary service – As timetabled and mapped 
  • Route 3 Atawhai - REINSTATED. Will be only be operating hourly, leaving the city centre on the hour. Bus stop times will vary due to the temporary traffic management in place. Please check the TracABus site for Route 3 updates:
  • Route 4 Brook – Turning around at Tantragee Road 
  • Route 5 Hospital – Normal
  • Route 6 Washington Valley – Normal service minus Moana Ave, Bisley Ave, Tahunanui Drive, Toswill Road, Stansell Ave, Moana Ave.
  • Route 7 Stoke Loops – Normal
  • Route 8 Richmond Loops – Normal

Reserves remain closed

Many reserves remain closed. Slopes remain unstable and significant movement is still occurring in some areas. Please respect closures.  

The following reserves remain closed: 

  • Grampians Reserve
  • Botanical Hill Reserve (incl. Centre of NZ)
  • Sir Stanley Whitehead Reserve
  • Tantragee Reserve Atmore Reserve Titoki Reserve
  • Pipers Reserve
  • Maitai River Walkway, upstream from Domett Street Bridge
  • Brook Conservation Reserve
  • Marsden Valley Reserve
  • Roding Reserve
  • ALL of Hira Forest (Ngāti Koata) remains CLOSED (Codgers, Sharlands, Fringed Hill) 
  • Waahi Taakaro Golf Course CLOSED for the foreseeable future
  • All sports fields  

The above closures also mean that the Coppermine Trail is closed.

Please send us your photos

Please send us your photos of clean-up after the floods! 

These could be emergency crews at work or you and your neighbourhood digging in on your own.
We'll be using the photos on Facebook, Our Nelson, and in media releases as we continue to share important messages about recovery. Your photos will help us in these efforts. We'll give you a shout-out (if you want) for any photos we use. 

Please send photos to and include your name and a brief description of the photos.

Updates 11:30 AM 

CLEAN FILL DUMP SITES OPEN DAILY until further notice.

There are now TWO PLACES you can take household amounts of mud and clean fill (there is no charge for this service).  

Both sites are open 10am until 6pm TODAY, and then 8am – 6pm DAILY THEREAFTER until further notice.

Our advice is to limit travel and stay off the roads stands, HOWEVER if you have substantial mud to clear then this service is available. 

Q: Where are the dump sites?

A: The site is at the corner of Main Road Stoke and Saxton Road east. It's accessible off Saxton Road (the old Circus Set up location). Look for the VMS board on Main Road Stoke. The other is Atawhai Drive at the green field just slightly north of Miyazu Garden. *Please note* that access to the dump site is from SH6 (Queen Elizabeth II Drive) as Atawhai Drive is CLOSED from Founders Park. 

Q: What can I dump? 

A: The site is for dumping soil/mud deposited around homes by the storm.

Q: Can I dump material from within my home, like furniture, clothes, general rubbish?

A: NO. The site is for soil/mud only. 

Q: What vehicles can access the site?

A: Vehicles with trailers. A small loader will be available to take material off flat-bed trucks that do not have tipping ability.

Vehicles over 6-wheelers are not allowed due to turning restrictions 

Q: I'm with a large commercial operation. Can I dump at the site?

A: NO. This site is for household cleanup only. Small landscaping businesses are okay. 

***Please follow the direction of staff on site***