Nelsonians get on board free NBus weekend

25/09/2019 4:31am

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Thanks to everyone who got on board with Nelson Free Bus Weekend on 21 and 22 September 2019 for Zero Emissions and World Car Free Day.

The free buses were very well received by the public, with extra buses put on to meet the demand, as buses were full.

Some interesting stats
• Late-Late Bus carried over three times its usual patronage.
• Saturday service local routes (Atawhai/ Brook / Victory) patronage went from 73 normally (same weekend this time last year) to 173
• Nelson- Richmond service went from 498 to 1275 on Saturday
• Nelson- Richmond service went from 382 to 967 on Sunday

So make sure you continue to join the thousands of Nelsonians that enjoy getting around our Smart Little City on the NBus.