Nelson’s new library is yours to shape

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It’s nearly time to shape your new library. What should happen inside its doors?

Nelson City Council is launching a major engagement campaign seeking the views of Nelsonians on what their new library should include.

Popular core services are here to stay, but do you have a bright idea to enhance them? What new features and services could be introduced to make the new library stand out from the crowd?

Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese, says the engagement will ask what a modern library should contain and what it means to our community.

“The Elma Turner Library has served Nelson really well, but it’s now time to consider how the services and facilities within this new library can meet the demands of our growing City.”

“We want ideas for an enticing place for our community, with all the services you expect from a library and much more.”

Mayor Reese says Council wants to hear from all parts of the community, from everyday library user through to those who don’t think libraries are for them.

“This engagement process provides an important platform for people from every corner of Nelson to have their voice heard. 

“This is your chance to tell us what they want to see inside a modern library. We want to have a genuine conversation about new services and features that will make this place stand out from the crowd.”

The extensive public engagement campaign will last for eight weeks.

To keep up to date with this project head to

Get a head start on making a submission

The library engagement team is here to help. If you or someone you speak to has a question about the library or needs help making a submission, get in touch using the contact details below and we will do everything we can to assist you.

Get in touch

  • Online at or via email (
  • In person at Nelson Public Libraries or the Customer Service Centre on Trafalgar Street
  • By phone on 03 546 0200 and ask to speak to the Library Engagement Team
  • Post to Library Engagement Team, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson 7010


Here's what has happened so far, and what is planned to happen next.

May - December 2019

  • Early engagement on what the new library should be like
  • Lack of community spaces established

March/April 2021

Library development included in consultation for Long Term Plan 2021-31

May 2021

Elected members approve new library development on the corner of Halifax and Trafalgar streets.

2021 - 2023

  • Community engagement on new library facilities and services
  • Investigation/Design
  • Consenting
  • Property negotiations

2023 - 2025

  • Construction of library on the corner of Halifax and Trafalgar Streets
  • Code compliance

2026 - 2027

Relocation to the new library

Relocation to the new library