Nelson and Tasman are growing fast, and both Councils have been looking at how much space will be needed to house our growing communities.

We’re also looking at how much land we need for business growth, and for other uses like green spaces, roads, and recreation.

We’ve worked together to carry out a housing and business assessment which has told us that over the next 30 years we’ll need around 8000 more houses in Nelson and another 6000 houses in Tasman District. 

Added to this will be demand for business and commercial land so we need to start planning now to make sure we can meet this need.

To put this in context, in Nelson there are currently around 22,000 houses, so our city is likely to grow by a third over the next 30 years.

Future Development Strategy

As part of this planning, we will be collaborating with Tasman District Council to develop a joint Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy (FDS), which will set the path we take to make sure we meet the needs of our communities for housing and business land.

In January next year, as part of the process of developing this Strategy, we’ll be asking what you think about how we should redevelop and respond to this expected growth.  

Development will need to consider climate change and sea level rise, tourism and environmental values and other matters.

We’ll be looking for your feedback on this strategy in late January 2019, so look out for updates on our facebook page, in Our Nelson and on our website