The 2023/24 Summer Events Guide is out!
05/12/2023 3:13pm
The Summer Events Guide is back! It’s filled with incredible events to enjoy around our region.
Look for the guide in your home letterbox or pick one up in the Nelson City Council Customer Service Centre at 110 Trafalgar Street. You can also download a copy online here.
This year’s guide has all the kai, music, markets, sports and activities you need to keep you busy this
summer, and then some.
For kids and families there are fun activities like the Elves’ Workshop (20 December) and the Teddy Bears’ Picnic (14 January).
You’ll find outdoor summer entertainment, like NBS Tāhuna Summer Sounds (12 January) and Summer Movies Al Fresco (from 3 January – 17 February) in parks and reserves throughout the region.
Many events in the guide are free, and others are low-cost or koha gold coin. Get into it, Nelson!
All Council supported summer events are also listed on It’s On: