Residents in areas throughout Nelson, especially those who had to evacuate their homes, have had their lives disrupted following last week’s floods. Here’s how Nelson City Council can help if you require assistance.

“The Nelson community has pulled together to help each other in this heartbreaking situation,” says Mayor Rachel Reese.

“I want to thank response agencies, support agencies and iwi, along with countless volunteers, who selflessly came out to help over the past week. There’s a lot of clean-up to do, and plenty of work to achieve recovery, but I’ve seen real spirit and endurance on the ground.  We can get back on our feet in time.

“My message is simple. If you are in need of help please get in touch. We are here for you.”

Screenshot 2022 08 25 164741 Contact:

NCC: 03 546 0200. Please email non-urgent queries to if you can.
Incident Information Centre: iSite, Millers Acre. 8.30am - 6.30pm.


General Inquiries: 03 543 7290
(Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office)

After hours: 03 543 8400

Road closures and slips

For the latest on Rocks Road please check our website. Please avoid unnecessary travel, allow extra time for your journey and drive safely through the detour on Rutherford Street/Waimea Road. Road closures and slips throughout Nelson are being updated at including a live map.

Help those in need

The Nelson Tasman Mayoral Relief Fund is now open to accept donations from the public following a $300,000 contribution from the Government.

How to donate: 

Bank transfer: 03 0703 0325055 00
Reference: Mayoral Relief Fund*

Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese says the emergency team working on the response has been overwhelmed by the offers of help by the public, and the Fund offers a straightforward way to channel that support.

“The generosity and caring spirit of Nelson Tasman has been in full display over the last few days and this fund allows us to provide support to people who are unable to access support elsewhere. 

“By donating to the fund, we can ensure that people receive the help they really need at this difficult time.”

Any donations will be eligible for a donation tax credit.

*Westpac customers may need to choose Debtors as payee.

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