Provincial Growth Fund boost for key Nelson infrastructure projects
16/06/2020 11:29am
Nelson City Council has been awarded $1.23m from the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for infrastructure projects that will help our region recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The successful projects include traffic calming measures on Beach Road, widening of the Maitai Riverside Path between Collingwood and Bridge Street and three projects for the Regional Business Units including planting and tracks in the Eves Valley landfill and resurfacing of the internal road at York Valley.
Calming measures on Beach Road involve narrowing the road width, raising the height of the pavement and introducing more vegetation to the intersection.This will slow traffic down along a section of Beach Road that approaches a crossing for the shared pathway.
Council received feedback during our consultation period on the adjacent shared path that vehicles sometimes travel through this intersection at high speeds, so this work will ensure that vulnerable users of the new shared path are kept as safe as possible.
The Maitai Riverside Path is a busy recreational area enjoyed by many older adults and families who take walks by the river. It is only 1.5m wide between Collingwood and Bridge Street and surfaces on either side are uneven and sunken in places. Council has feedback from the community that the path is too narrow, and reports of injuries occurring when people move to make way for others.
The narrow width of the current path also discourages use by pedestrians, cyclists and mobility scooters. Once this work has been completed, the path will be 2.5 metres wide.
Council has allocated the projects to local contractors according to the new streamlined tendering process.
To stimulate job opportunities as part of the COVID-19 Recovery Plan, Council is allowing works worth up to $2 million to be assigned to a selected group of local contractors who have a proven record with the Council, on an equitable basis. This process will dispense with the more formal tendering procedures, but will still allow for checks and balances, ensuring good value for money for Council and all ratepayers.
Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese says employment stimulus funding from central government will be critical to the region’s COVID-10 recovery.
“This support will provide a boost to our economy when it needs it most. There’s no doubt that Nelson faces a considerable challenge as we embark on the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, but infrastructure projects like these will help maintain jobs in the region, which has the added bonus of a positive knock on effect for families and businesses. Every bit of funding helps.”
Council contractor Downer will carry out the work to install traffic calming measures on Beach Road.
“Downer is excited to undertake this work on behalf of Nelson City Council as a result of receiving Provisional Growth Funding," says a spokesperson.
"Having security of work for our employees, delivering a safe crossing point for cyclists and pedestrians makes us all proud to be living and working in Nelson.”