Waimea Road speed limit recommended to lower to 50km/h
28/03/2019 11:31am
The Works and Infrastructure Committee is recommending that Council approves the proposal to lower the speed limit on the section of Waimea Road from 240m south of Market Road through to 200m north of the Beatson Road roundabout, from 70km/h to 50km/h.
If this recommendation is approved by Council at its meeting on 2 May, the lowered speed limit will come into effect four weeks after that date.
Following the public consultation on the proposal, the Committee considered the 89 submissions received and heard from eight submitters in person at a hearing on 6 March.
The majority of submitters (66%) supported reducing the Waimea Road speed limit from 70km/h to 50km/h.
Most of them cited safety reasons for supporting the proposed changes.
Works and Infrastructure Committee Chair Stuart Walker says, “We thank everyone who took the time to give their feedback on this issue.
"We were reassured that the majority of people shared our safety concerns and we believe that this change will be a significant step towards improving that.”