Greenmeadows Community Open Day a popular event

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The open day at Greenmeadows Community Centre on Sunday 9 June was a great success with over 500 people through the door.

Visitors were treated to a range of activities including art, tennis, balloon sculptures, pilates, bouncy castles, cricket and a dream machine. 

80 people were there for the opening karakia and the Mayor’s welcome, and 60 stayed to hear the presentation from the architect Marc Barron.

It was great to see how many people took the opportunity to find out more about some of the community services based at the centre. 

Twenty people stopped by the RSA, and more than 100 people visited Stoke Seniors.

And of course, the sausage sizzle was a great success with more than 400 snags enjoyed! 

To see the Centre so busy and full of life shows how important Greenmeadows will be as a true community hub for the people of Stoke.