Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy

03/04/2019 3:31am

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The second round of feedback on the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy (FDS) will open on Monday 8 April.

Growth forecasts vary, but if we continue to experience high growth, Nelson - Tasman will need to find space for up to 12,000 extra homes over the next 30 years – this is on top of the extra residential land we have already planned for. Along with more houses we’ll need more shops, offices and commercial services. 

Using the results of feedback on the FDS collected in January this year, the Councils have developed three potential growth scenarios which they will be seeking further feedback on.

The scenarios are not mutually exclusive and it is expected the final strategy will incorporate a mix of options. The three scenarios are:

Enabling housing choices, while avoiding areas that are likely to be subject to sea level rise

Enabling housing choices while avoiding land of high productive value

Balanced option: Enabling housing choices while taking into account both these constraints.

A Future Development Strategy that covers adjoining Council areas is encouraged under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.  Its purpose is to ensure that council’s zoning and infrastructure roll outs support projected housing and business growth. 

The Strategy sits above and provides direction to Council’s other planning tools such as resource management plans and policy statements, infrastructure strategies, asset management plans, regional land transport plans and the Long Term Plan.

The feedback period runs from 8 April – 6 May.  Feedback can be made through an interactive web map which will be available from 8 April online at or Copies of the Future Development Strategy information brochure will be available at both Councils’ customer service centres and libraries.

A drop in session for Nelson residents will be held at the Nelson Saturday Market, 9am – 1pm Saturday 13 April.